jedinstveno rješenje u svijetu
Smart bus stations offer a range of functionalities for a more efficient and enjoyable use of city transport.
Rijeka's citizens and numerous tourists today have two smart bus stops available to offer a range of functionalities for a more efficient and comfortable experience of using city transportation. Stations represent the world's technological breakthrough to the affiliated smart cities of the future, and in the background of the whole story is a six-month pilot project of the City of Rijeka in partnership with Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Croatian Telecom, Smart RI, Autotrolej and Rijeka traffic.
Located on two very frequented locations in Rijeka's city traffic, at Rijeka's skyscrapers in Trpimirova Street and Žabica, the stations offer a range of functionalities that are needed today by the public and the increasing number of tourists in public transport. Unique to them is a combination of Ericsson's Connected Traffic Cloud and HT smart car concept, which complement and make a complete new service for end users. The passenger has at his disposal an overview of the timetable and maps of the bus stations with the current bus positions. The solution is based on the technology of the Internet and collects Autotrole's data and displays a total of 12 city traffic cameras available through mobile applications. This application provides smart public transport, and is also available for mobile phones in Rijeka for the first time, making this solution unique in the world.
Since the station is also in the function of the hotspots, passengers waiting for transport have access to the Internet via the infrastructure of Croatian Telecom, and thanks to solar panels that supply the station with energy and integrated solutions of other partners, it is possible to wirelessly charge smart phones, laptops and other electronic device for personal application ie gadget. Sensor set up at smart bus stations measures the temperature and humidity of the air, providing valuable information on environmental parameters, and in the coming phases of the project, additional integration of information on cultural events and promotional offers is expected, as well as solutions for the safety of the passengers themselves.